Sunday, May 22, 2022

Flying Saucy Heads


NK Kranda and Peter Robbins 

Special NK

There are some remarkable people in ufology. I have met one person in particular, whom I believe is going to do some absolutely amazing things for experiencers and witnesses of high strange, phenomena. She collates peoples accounts, archiving them, offers them an ear, some comfort, love and friendship. She is an experiencer herself, I won't go into her experiences because it is up to her who she shares her intimate horrors and traumas with. 

I think she is special, in a way that you do not see all the time. You know, one of those people you look at, you can FEEL them and you just know, she is going to help people. I knew it right from the minute I met her but couldn't figure out the draw but I am very drawn to her, as are many of us and it has nothing to do with her looks. I eventually figured it out, she gives good mind, she is funny, she is authentic, very insightful and intelligent. Everything the people in question are not and could never be. 

When I got to know her, I decided there and then, no matter what, I would try and help this woman achieve her goals, because she has got what it takes and her goals are my goals, we want to help people like us. She WILL heal people, she will do great things. She already does, and anyone who cares about experiencer support, should get behind her and give her everything she needs to do it. After all, she is up against a mountain of misogyny and she is healing from trauma, as all genuine experiencers are. We do not have easy lives. 

Misogyny Rules

But for the most part, Ufoology doesn't care for healing. It doesn't care about where it gets its bread and butter from. It wants the story, it wants the data, it wants the attention. Ufology gets all of its information from witnesses, then it takes a huge dump on them and leaves them standing. It also hates women as I have shown in my blogs previously. It is thick with it and it is up to the men of ufology to change that, misogynists do not listen to women. 

You can say what you like about Nick Pope but he stepped forward to highlight the outrageous misogyny in Ufology, during the relentless and insidious victimisation of myself and my family for telling the truth, about major lies within Ufology. 

Now I am not talking about every individual here, but even some of the women in ufology, hate women in ufology. Internalized misogyny in women is very real, I have experienced it myself from day one, because I am not meek, mild, demure, I am ME, I am not a professional and I am not a persona and I will not tolerate bullshit. I am living my life, my friend is also living her life. 

So what did I see? This.... 

Click on images to enlarge

Edit: (19.05.22)

The conversation continues 

Dan Chaney:

"NK Miranda also likes to make videos of herself reading from books in her underwear to draw your attention & when you call her out on it like I did & others did-you get cussed out & blocked by her. You won't see prominent women in ufology doing that. Go ahead & cuss me out, rake me over the coals,etc.-Just beacause someones beautiful & in a bra & gstring doesn't add to the narrative of serious ufology-I'm calling it like it is".

William Pullin

"Your comments are spot on Sir,. Thank you for your honesty"

Dan Chaney

"William Pullin very welcome-if you want to be taken seriously in the field of ufology-have some dignity, respectability, taste & bring SOMETHING other than your scantilly clad body to the narrative"!

EDIT: Further conversation. 

Chad Laibly
Dan Chaney 1) you will never in your life know a woman half as amazing as her.
2) NK has never put herself out there as a UFOlogist, she deals with the paranormal but all the UFOlogists want to keep inviting her to talk.
3) What have you done in the field? Sitting on the couch with your hands in the hole in your pocket doesn’t count.
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Chad Laibly
William Pullin ha ha ha…spot on for an envious little boy. You don’t even know the first thing about her, if ya did you would know she’s a paranormal expert not UFO. She just keeps getting asked to join UFO conversations because she’s so well-informed.
Unlike you.
We’ve done a few interviews together and she’s always professional and mature and informative.
Oh I’ll wait while you Google those words to understand what they mean…clearly you have no idea what it’s like to be any of those things.
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Dan Chaney
Chad Laibly actually I married an amazing woman, a librarian who doesn't feel the need to do podcasts in her underwear or cuss people out for calling her on it! If she's not an 'expert' on ufology, she should stick to her field. And as far as what have I done in the field-I'm a contact experiencer & put my story out on Youtube for free-and not in my underwear, lol and I've been a guests on 3 radio shows & spoken at 2 Mufon meetings-all as an experiencer & NOT an 'expert', lol
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Dan Chaney
William Pullin I wouldn't be thanking him, he's just another troll in the 'hoping to get attention' club
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Dan Chaney
William Pullin very welcome
Reply1 h
Steve Bounds
Dan if you are calling it like it is, she has never taken videos of herself reading in her underwear and posted them to her FB. I can understand how you may want to see her in her underwear, she is easy on the eyes. She has though posted a video while wearing a bikini top and pants. The video ironically was a satirical piece in regards to woman’s reproductive rights and the misogyny in the legal system and how hypocritical men get all offended when they see flesh of an attractive woman in public, yet these same men are perverts in private.
What anyone posts on their private FB page isn’t anyone else’s concern and since you seem to know what type of underwear she wears that means you are either making up lies or you are a peeping Tom and stalked her. Both are unacceptable for someone that talks about dignity and respectability.
NK has never reported to be an expert at anything and yet she has been interviewed and talked with some of the most famous and respected people in the field.
For her not being an expert she happens to know more about ufology and the paranormal than many “experts” in the field.
If you had ever gotten to know NK before attacking her for her looks you would see an intelligent woman who literally has helped hundreds of people. It’s people that make accusations and rude comments out of the no where that keep people away from the ufo community. They are afraid that if they don’t fall lockstep with the community they will be attacked and shunned, you have proven this point. NK talks to those people that have been abused by the UFO community, those who literally want to commit suicide because of the stress they are under, she has helped talk many people off the ledge. But you ignore all that.
I would much rather see honest people living their lives and letting others do their thing and not get all huffy when they are ignored.
You very well could have just ignored NK but you chose to attack her all because she has boobs and you don’t like it. Don’t look at women with boobs and automatically assume they are sluts and selling themselves, that’s truly horrific that you jump to that conclusion.
I hope if you are ever in a situation where you have been abused, neglected and feel your life is ready to end, that someone with compassion like NK will be there, but I also hope that never happens to you because it truly is an awful place to be.
Her work is with and for people, people that have been through extreme trauma. She cares for them and is not judgmental at all, she will fiercely defend herself and others when attacked though.


So obviously the first thing I did was go through all of her videos and her photos. NOT ONE of them is she even nearly naked. 

There is a photo of her in a swimsuit but you can only see her top half, not even her midrif. There is a photo of her legs... Woooo.... My god, calm down fellas. Its not the 1800's, we can show a bit of ankle now. Makes me wonder why you get so emotional over her body. 

As you can see there are zero videos of her reading, even remotely naked. What can this mean? 

It means that Dan and William have sexualised NK, to the point of her being almost naked in their minds, as they think about her videos. THEY THINK they have seen her almost naked but in fact, they have undressed her mentally. She is FULLY CLOTHED in ALL her videos and photos. 

Then we have to consider the entitlement of them even saying these things. Telling the world, discussing it publicly, on her friends page, on a post advertising a recording with her and others. They think their preferences are important enough to be aired publicly. They think they have public support on this. Quack Quack Oops!

"Belated thanks to my Texas UFO panel for their participation our discussion of the recent Edinburg UFO Festival and Conference and all things Texas UFO on this past Monday's episode of "Meanwhile, Here On Earth":

May 2 - Noe Torres is a recognized expert in the field of UFOs and the paranormal, Noe Torres is an author, publisher, and former Texas state section director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) who holds a Bachelor’s in English and a Master’s in Library Science from the University of Texas at Austin.
Since 2012 Jane Kyle (aka "UFOJane") has documented over a thousand UFO sightings in her home state of Texas -- and counting! Jane has been featured in local and international media, and has a journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

NK Kranda went to school for horticulture sciences and graduated with highest honors. She has also studied psychology, trauma therapies, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, art, biology, physics, history and shamanism. She currently works in experiencer research and preservation and teaches those who have been traumatized to fight the stigma, to never stop telling their story, and to honor themselves for having survived.

Daniel Alan Jones is an investigative journalist and an amateur anthropologist as well as a history, nature, and wildlife enthusiast. He is the host and producer for The Vortex, a show that explores the mysteries of the world and beyond and has researched unexplained phenomena for over a decade. He is
also a musician and teaches drums around the Dallas-Fort Worth area".

They think they are entitled to discuss a womans body, behaviour and activities, like they have some right over her autonomy, or at least they wish they did. The only thing that ever kept us from being our authentic selves, was the man made law. The law of men making women property, controllable, controlled, opressed, repressed. OWNED.

Well unfortunately for Mr Misogyny(s) we have our autonomy now. We are no longer groomed to be wives, mothers, property. We are no longer required to have men in our lives to have bank accounts, mortgages, hire purchase etc. No... men have to be likeable these days, to be desirable. You have to get into our minds first, not our pants. 

So now we can be our authentic selves, they don't like it do they? Also... anyone else out there who can't cope with women being free, including you women, especially the woman who actually liked Dan's comments. You are letting the side down big time. Shame on you. Women should be bringing women up, not tearing them down. 

Her page is her personal page, it is private, she is not a persona, a public figure maybe but not in the way she conducts herself, otherwise she would have a professional page, not a private, personal page. 

So lets get back to what was being said and take a look at the people saying it....

William is a persona, his page is alllll ufo stuff and a bit about him being a tennis coach. I ditched him years ago, all his "using the scientific method" word salad, while posing the most bland questions you can imagine. Scientific method my third digit William. 

So swiftly onto Dan, the instigator in all this..... He is quite the hypocrite. Let me remind you...

Dan Chaney:

"William Pullin very welcome-if you want to be taken seriously in the field of ufology-have some dignity, respectability, taste & bring SOMETHING other than your scantilly clad body to the narrative"!

Let us have a look at what Dan brings to the narrative, seeing as he is sooooo disgusted by NK and her body. 

Seems like a nice chap eh? "Only Love can be divided endlessly and still not diminished". Yeah he needs to work on that.

He gives the impression of being a "Your body your choice" kinda guy....

He said 
Dan Chaney

"William Pullin very welcome-if you want to be taken seriously in the field of ufology-have some dignity, respectability, taste & bring SOMETHING other than your scantilly clad body to the narrative"!

Dignity, Respectability and Taste

These are some of Dan's public posts....... 

He likes this so much he has shared it twice

So Dan can be as rude  as he likes  but if a woman shows a bit of flesh, a leg, maybe she has a bit of cleavage, and he thinks she needs to cover up. He finds it offensive!!! He finds NKs gorgeous body offensive. He thinks he has seen her nearly naked but he imagined that. They both think they have seen most of her body, they have not..... Only in their minds.  

She does not need to change the way she behaves, they need to change the way they perceive women, they need to change the way they think. If we want to get up on stage in a metal bikini with an angle grinder, showering sparks all over the audience, while delivering a fantastic oration of flesh and blood experience, we will. 

We do not care about their ideas on how we ought to conduct ourselves. They are fossils from an era that should never have existed in the first place. 

They hanker for an era of legalised oppression and also would like forced professionalism on women in ufology, even though we are recounting our experiences, talking about our lives, or the lives of others, of our friends, our fellow experiencers. 

Let me point out 



Don't you dare let the opinions of middle aged hypocrites and dullards, ever sit in your heart or mind for even a second NK. You are everything they cannot have and cannot be. They couldn't even keep up if they tried and they know it. Smashing down beauty as they do, sad little men.

Ufology takes all the beautiful things and squashes everything together, like playdough, until it is all mulched and brown. It makes every exciting moment duller than ditchwater, they suffocate witnesses, they pontificate nothings, endlessly repeating ancient cases. So many experts of other peoples memories, other peoples events, other peoples lives, even if they have genuinely had experiences, it does not elevate them to be above anyone and it gives them ZERO rights on how the scene should be or how anyone should conduct themselves. ESPECIALLY when their behaviour is atrocious.

Calling out a woman for being nearly naked when she was not at all, while posting pictures of dildos, butt plugs and other sexual references, paints a very clear picture to me. 

Nothing will ever change while you all sit back and allow this crap to happen over and over. Stop complaining about how bad it all is when you stand for nothing apart from your own careers, your image. Because you know how savage Ufology is, you stay quiet and do nothing, you don't want it to be you next, you are scared of it yourselves. Ufology is a rancid bully, do something about it. Say something. Stand for something that doesn't benefit you directly. 

Be the change. It is 2022 not 1822.


I asked Dan Chaney to point our where NK was almost naked and in her underwear, which is the lie he keeps telling. He blocked me. That was the reaction I totally expected, he can talk about women but not to them. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Inspector Clueless comes to The Outer Limits Conference 2022


Inspector Clueless Investigates

I have just attended the 4th Outer Limits Conference in Hull, UK. It was great. So good to see all my friends, they are like a family to me. I had such a good time, all the unusual supects were there as usual but there was one mystery man...... Well not really. He thought he was but he stood out like a giant naked mole rat, on a slag heap.

Actual Photo of Ben at the OLM Conference

Everyone was watching him, a lot were photographing him, some knew immediately but most of us had him pegged to be one of two people, both of them are disturbing individuals of the highest disorder. My partner Dave knew who it was within literally half a second! 

It seems Ben is still in desperate need of a life and attention so he thought it was a good idea to throw a rock at the 'hornets nest'. In reality, we are just a bunch of people having a nice time together. The only 'hornet' there was Ben and ironically, all he did was stick the boot into his own grubby little 'nest'. (You might have to double click videos, you can enlarge them too)

No one can move on from the past because Ben ressurects everything when he has nothing going on in his sad, little life. I was too busy enjoying myself to give a toss about the potential drama unfolding. I stood within inches of him as he and I got coffee. How utterly thrilling that must have been for him, for an entire minute in his 'disguise'. 

Its a good job I have a really ironic sense of humour you know. This is hilarious. It is as fantastically hilarious, as Ben thinking he needed to go to a skeptics in the pub meeting some years ago, also IN DISGUISE. 

I guess he doesn't know that you can just go to these events as yourself and that you don't have to be part of a 'clique,' as he called us a million years ago, (thats pretty much how long it has been since the original incidents). Maybe he doesn't know? After all, he is fifteen sandwiches, four full sized cakes (with 16 slices each), 20 chicken legs, 200 sausage rolls, drinks, cups, cutlery and plates for everyone, short of a picnic. He only has the blanket, plus basket and he made that himself. 


In actuality, his behaviour is sinister and disturbing (if I was easily disturbed anymore). People have said things like "serial killer vibes" and they are right. He has lost touch with reality, talking into his camera all the time, viewing life through a view finder. It seems he rarely has actual people around him, he is divorced from reality, and is surrounded by online enablers, one commenting how maturely people handled this. In reality on the maturity scale, in this instance, Ben is a foetus and my current age while writing this, is aproximately 5 years old. I meet and match peoples energy in these situations, clearly. This does not deserve anything but childish derision. 

In reality, he is a stalker. A hanger on. A parasite. He attached himself to my back during the Larry Warren Fraud Investigation and clung on, writing endlessly about me, his evidence really wasn't evidence, it was red crayon on photographs and verbal diarrhoea.

He said I was obsessed because I talked about him, talking about me. He called me his troll, because I dare challenge him on what he was saying about me and my life. He is my troll. He is Peter Robbins Troll. He is a stalker. HE is obsessed. It is YEARS since Chris asked him not to come. Nobody has even thought about Ben in years!! We had almost forgotten he even existed. 

He is totally irrelevant and always was. What he was talking about the whole time, in those blogs, was about something that happened to me, in my own home and was none of his business, not even in the slightest, not with the most tenuous reach and furthest stretch of anyones fertile imagination. He rode my back like a cheap Blackpool Donkey and fell off eventually, like the overbloated tick he really is, after approximately THIRTY blogs. Greedy boy. 

Here is my evidence;

A Concise Chronology of the Larry Warren Fraud Investigation Blog

He didn't need a disguise anyway. The Skeptics in the Pub don't care about what Bell Endlyn Jones might say about them, nor do we care about his existence on this Earth, let alone the location he chooses to exist in for a weekend.  Nobody is intimidated, nobody is in the slightest bit interested. We might observe him in a similar way we would observe slugs munching on dog crap but that's it. 

Did he wear a wire to the skeptics in the pub (or OLM)? A fake moustache? A wig? A dress?!! Does he not even see how ridiculous that is? It's not even ridiculous, it's insanity gone mental. What on Earth did he hope to achieve? Exposing they don't believe stuff? We know...!! Is that food for amusement? Ridiculing THEM as he sits there in his wonder woman costume. Seriously?? 

BENidorm in the Pub

Fast forward 5 or 6 years and it is our turn for his private Dick activities. Why? Because he was was ASKED to not attend the FIRST Outer Limits conference FIVE YEARS AGO. We have just had the fourth OLM Conference and that was after 2 years break!! (But I am obsessed according to Inspector Clueless). 

Here is an old blog I wrote about Ben's twisting what was said, into a pathetic little drama that was BENt out of shape completely and hasn't ended yet, obviously, because he turned up at the conference. many years later.  Obsessed much? He will gaslight us all, saying we are the trolls for reacting to something so very fucked up and weird, that HE did!!! He does it all the time. It is his pattern, expect it. 

Benned!! Blog

He causes trouble, then goes belly up, playing the victim and then MILKS IT FOREVERRRRR. Furious little fists grabbing at the teats of ufology, hoping one day he can latch on and be accepted by those who would further his ego's needs and feed his never ending greed for attention. He brings nothing of his own to the table, not one experience, not one abduction. NOTHING. His UFO ReESuRCh is *turd emoji* at best. 

He genuinely asked Chris Evers (the conference organiser) to tell me not to approach him or try to talk to him, at the first conference. I told Chris, (who refused to do any such thing) I wouldn't cause a scene but nobody was ever putting me on a leash for that idiot. Writing something like 30 blogs (I lost count and don't care, they are all basic bitch, bilge) trashing me and anyone who stood for the truth and thinks he can swan around in front of me and the others, uncontested! Not while I have breath in my body and I think that is the whole reason he does this. 

He talks smack about everyone and doesn't want those same people challenging him on his lies because he is, in the words of my local roadman... A Pussio Fam.